Meet the Board: Hannah Marzocco
Question 1: What is your favorite thing about TRYP? My favorite thing about TRYP is how it connects people beyond the small circles we circulate in and builds a broader network so we can better support each other whether to create opportunities for fun, work, or community change. I value the way TRYP works to elevate civic engagement of a crucial population to get more involved in the future of Tahoe. Question 2: Since TRYP is all about Professional Networking, where do you work in Tahoe? I am now the Executive Director of First 5 in Alpine County, with previous roles at Live Violence Free and South Tahoe Middle School. Question 3: How long have you been a member, and what inspired you to join? I have been a member for a little less than a year and joined the board shortly after because I was passionate to help create further momentum and collaboration for young professionals. Plus I loved the board members and wanted to be around great people dedicated to making a difference! Question 4: When did you move to Tahoe and what brought you here? I loved to Tahoe in 2012 to support a family business and went back to graduate school during my first year living here. I started teaching yoga in 2013 at the Tahoe Yoga Shala (formerly Mountain Yoga) and knew I couldn’t leave this wonderful community. Question 5: Where is your all-time favorite place to eat in town? I’m torn between Verde Mexican Rotisserie and Freshies. I love the fresh, organic flavors and also how they both care about the quality of their products, giving back to the community and the environment. Plus, who doesn’t love tri fries?! Question 6: When you’re not working, what do you typically enjoy doing around Tahoe on a nice day? I always try to start the day with yoga (hopefully after sleeping in more than Monday-Friday) followed by a trip to Free Bird before going for a bike ride with my husband and end the day cooking at home enjoying quality time with my family and pup (and a good bottle of wine!). Of course, hiking up to view a sunset during the summer months is always worth it! |
Meet the Board: Julia Requarth